State-of-the-Art Parboiling, Ageing & Drying Automation

Hygiene and nutrition are our top priorities in Rice Parboiling Plants, steamed rice (accelerated aged rice) plants & process engineering for rice processors. Our team of highly skilled and experienced engineers and process experts provide engineering services related to the processing of parboiled rice and steamed rice (accelerated aged rice) for all varieties.
The flexible approach we take with our work enables us to design and manage bespoke processes to suit the requirements of our customers. High-quality equipment manufacturing is our strength. We select the process of parboiling of accelerated aged rice (steamed rice) based on the requirements of the customer.
Our expertise ranges from design studies to multi-million currency value factory-built projects. You can take confidence in the fact that we are the only service provider offering the complete solution – from concept through fabrication and installation – for quality global standard rice with hygiene and nutrition!